Frailea pulcherrima
Original Publication (Ar) Backeberg, An. Soc. Ci. Argent. 99. 131, 1925 Original Description Distribution References in Literature ▪ "Bestaat „Frailea pulcherrima Arech"? Vit. Hraba, Brno. C.S.S.R., Succulenta (Netherlands) 47(7): 104-105, 1968." ▪ CACTI A Gardener's Handbook for their Identification and Cultivation. Professor J. BORG, M.A., M.D. 1937 ▪ Cacti of the Month November 2003 - Frailea and Blossfeldia. San Gabriel Valley Cactus and Succulent Society, 2003 ▪ Cactussen. Cactus V03 - 1971, pag. 89-96 ▪ FLORE ILLUSTRÉE DE L'URUGUAY. Cactus (Paris) No 44 Mai 1955, pag 179. ▪ FLORE ILLUSTRÉE DE L'URUGUAY. Cactus (Paris) No 45 Juillet 1955, pag 203 and 205. ▪ Frailea Br. & R. (1922). Blatter fur Kakteenforschung 1934-11. ▪ De genus Frailea Geschiedenis en cultuur. Albert Leroy. Cactussen en Vetplanten, 25e jaargang 2008, no 1. ▪ Nogmaals: Frailea phaeodisca. J. Theunissen. Succulenta (Netherlands) 60(2): 47-48, 1981. ▪ Paraguayaanse dwergen in de twintigste eeuw. Lubomir Berka, Succulenta (Netherlands) 79(5): 216-221, 2000. Seedlists ▪ BCSJ 1998 ▪ Cactussen en Vetplanten 1986 History Comments Field Numbers A full listing of all associated field collector data can be found on our field number reference pages. See Also More pictures |